Individuals, businesses, faith communities and local community organizations can help support Cornerstone by hosting an event to raise awareness, funds or to collect in-kind donations.

If you, your family, your friends, your office or your community group would like to partner with us on an event to benefit Cornerstone, please contact Courtney at We can provide brochures, donation envelopes and may be able to schedule a member of our staff to speak at your event.

There are so many ways you can support Cornerstone. Please see our Current Needs page for what we need most right now. 

Host a Donation Drive

Individuals and groups are invited to collect items or monetary donations for Cornerstone at any time. Contact Courtney at for fliers and additional information about Cornerstone to help make your donation drive a success. See our Current Needs page to help us meet our most immediate needs or consider one of the below donation drives.

Gift Cards: $20 gift certificates for gas, Metro Transit, Target, Walmart and grocery stores. $10-20 gift cards for fast food, fast casual and coffee shops. 

Good Night, Sleep Tight: New sheets, bath towels, washcloths, pillows and pillow cases, pajamas in all sizes for women and children, robes and slippers, alarm clocks, etc.

Baby Shower: Diapers, baby wipes, bottles, baby food, onesies, new socks, shoes, teethers, baby monitors, baby wash, shampoo, lotion, etc.

Daily Living: Full-sized toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, hair brushes, picks, toilet paper, laundry soap, dish soap, chapstick, etc.

Breakfast Bundles: Non-perishable food items, individually packaged cereal cups, granola bars, fruit snacks, fruit cups, etc.

Winter Warmth (October through March): Waterproof mittens, warm hats, scarfs, boots and waterproof coats in all sizes for women, teens, and children. 

Cold Season Care (October through March): Kleenex, herbal tea, liquid hand soap, disinfectant wipes and CleanSmart toy disinfectant.

Summer Sunshine (May through July): Swimming suits in all sizes for women, teens and children, flip flops, beach towels, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.

Group Giving

The more people who get involved, the greater the impact. Coworkers, book clubs, Rotaries and other groups have come up with creative ways to come together to raise funds for Cornerstone. You know your network best, but some ideas include donation boxes at a special event, silent auctions, raffles, happy hours, book sales, lemonade stands, pay to dress casual at work, birthday fundraisers and at-home parties. 

Giving Circles

Giving circles pool donations from individuals for a combined gift to a nonprofit. If you’re involved in a giving circle, consider nominating Cornerstone as a benefiting organization.

Percentage of Sales

Local businesses and direct sales at-home consultants can partner with us to raise awareness and donate a portion of their sales to Cornerstone.

Corporate Giving

Cornerstone partners with companies in our community to provide training, resources and volunteer opportunities for business teams. Employees, teams and corporate foundations generously give to support our work. If you’d like to learn more about how to partner with Cornerstone, please contact Many companies also provide a match for their employee’s financial gifts to qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofits; contact your human resources or community engagement department to learn more.

Third Party Events

Before planning an event, please contact to learn more about how to get started.

Raise Awareness

Invite one of our speakers to talk with your group about domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking or crime. Learn with your peers how to support people in crisis. Make sure your human resources team at work, staff lounge, local library, clinic and other public spaces have posted the 24/7 crisis hotline for people experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking or crime. Learn more about scheduling a speaker and informational materials we have available to share.

There are many ways to make an impact at Cornerstone and to help people experiencing violence and abuse. We’re open to creative ideas and can talk through your plans before you take action.

Support Survivors

Your tax-deductible donations make a real difference to those affected by domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and general crime.

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Mission & Services

Cornerstone’s continuum of service helps to create communities where individuals and families are safe and children thrive. We advocate, educate and lead the way to social change. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and general crime.

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Minnesota Day One®

A statewide program of Cornerstone, Day One® works to ensure that no call for help goes unanswered so that all in need can find safety and support. Day One connects people to experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking or general crime to help at agencies throughout the state.

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Call: 1.866.223.1111
Text: 612.399.9995

Please call 911 in an emergency.

Minnesota Crime Victims

Cornerstone’s General Crime Victim Advocacy program assists victims of assault, child abuse, impaired drivers, elder abuse, identity theft, robbery, homicide and other crimes. We also can connect you to crime victim agencies through Minnesota via our statewide Minnesota Crime Victim Support Line.

Learn more

Call: 1.866.385.2699
Text: 612.399.9977

Please call 911 in an emergency.

Copyright © 2019 - 2025 Cornerstone
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