Cornerstone’s School-Based Services presents on a variety of topics through our KNOW Abuse Violence Prevention Curriculum, as well as providing one-on-one youth advocacy to individual students from nine different schools concerning a variety of issues related to violence prevention, including: building healthy relationships, anger management issues, harassment, identifying abusive behaviors, building support networks, and positive emotional expression.

KNOW Abuse Violence Prevention Curriculum

Cornerstone’s School-Based Services program offers education and violence prevention programming for middle and high schools to increase students’ awareness of violence, strengthen their ability to resolve challenging situations and be proactive about participating in leadership opportunities to prevent violence. Cornerstone educator/advocates are utilized in 20+ schools in Hennepin County, Minnesota providing engaging, youth informed prevention education and support.

Our KNOW Abuse Curriculum utilizes a best practice prevention education framework, offering effective solid public health strategies through and engaging, activity based, youth-informed lens with an emphasis on building skills that prevent incidents of violence and abuse.

Online Classroom Ready

Our live classroom presentations are also available as online on-demand courses to allow teachers, students, and parents to access our materials. On our online courses page, you’ll find complete online courses on a variety of violence prevention topics each with an interactive, self-guided slide show along with accompanying handouts and discussion guides. Students can access the presentations right from this site and teachers are invited to download out materials and integrate them into their existing online classrooms or LMS.

And here’s the best part: We are offering this all for free! All we ask is that you have students complete the pre and post surveys included in each slide show. The data we collect is private and anonymous, but important to helping us track our program outcomes and success.

To Contact Cornerstone’s SBS Program, email us at!

Contact the School-Based Services Team

Schedule an appointment with a Cornerstone SBS advocate by emailing

For support after hours, please call the 24/7 crisis line at 1.866.223.1111.

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Mission & Services

Cornerstone’s continuum of service helps to create communities where individuals and families are safe and children thrive. We advocate, educate and lead the way to social change. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and general crime.

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Minnesota Day One®

A statewide program of Cornerstone, Day One® works to ensure that no call for help goes unanswered so that all in need can find safety and support. Day One connects people to experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking or general crime to help at agencies throughout the state.

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Call: 1.866.223.1111
Text: 612.399.9995

Please call 911 in an emergency.

Minnesota Crime Victims

Cornerstone’s General Crime Victim Advocacy program assists victims of assault, child abuse, impaired drivers, elder abuse, identity theft, robbery, homicide and other crimes. We also can connect you to crime victim agencies through Minnesota via our statewide Minnesota Crime Victim Support Line.

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Call: 1.866.385.2699
Text: 612.399.9977

Please call 911 in an emergency.

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