General operating funds allow Cornerstone to designate dollars where they are most needed at the time. Particularly during the pandemic, we are grateful to the following partners for their recent 2020 grant support:
Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation
Park Public School and Community Foundation
SandCastle Foundation
Piper Sandler
Thank you to the Mary Kay Foundation for selecting Cornerstone to be their 2020 Minnesota grant recipient this past October. Funds will support our Emergency Services Program. And thank you to St. Andrew Lutheran Church and the Richfield Foundation for providing funding in order to complete a new trauma-informed Children’s Play and Learning Area in our emergency shelter. Our Prevention, Education and Clinical Services (PECS) Program continues to experience high demand during these unprecedented times. We appreciate grants from the Luther Automotive Group and Fishback Financial Corporation to support these therapeutic and supportive services. The Bloomington Crime Prevention Association’s 2020 grant will support Cornerstone’s adapted School-Based Services Program, which continues to provide remote prevention and education services with school partners.